Use Your Designs for Health Virtual Dispensary to Increase Social Engagement

Did you know that 44% of all brand posts use links to engage users via social media? Having direct links to a designated landing page can be an important part of your Call to Action (CTA).
A CTA is an essential element of social media marketing that directs one to a specific act. A CTA can help turn casual social media users into paying customers.
How to Motivate Your Audience with Designs for Health
Here at Designs for Health (DFH), we understand the importance of motivating your audience to act, which is why we offer a virtual dispensary. As a DFH practitioner, you now have your own unique Designs for Health URL. A DFH Virtual Dispensary is your own personal DFH e-commerce platform, available to you free of charge.
Linking this dispensary to a social media bio or personal website and including verbiage like: “click here,” “learn more” or “click the link in my bio” may create action or increase curiosity within your target audience or patient community to help drive sales.
Why wait? Add your unique dispensary to your website and social media channels today.
If you’re adding your designated DFH dispensary, posts are for brand awareness and educational purposes only. Check out our social media guidelines below.
Social Media Guidelines:
- All social media posts that display Designs for Health products require the hashtag #designsforhealth.
- No media buys, banner ads, online behavioral advertising, affiliate marketing
- No sponsored ads/posts
- No price promotion reference or inference, including without limitation discounts, free shipping, giveaways, rebates, sweepstakes, special call-in pricing, coupons, promo codes, price-matching policies, etc.
- No payments for lead generation, click-throughs, or referral fees
- No off-label claims - only claims on DFH label or in patient-directed materials
- No “where to purchase,” “buy here” or “we sell DFH” Calls to Action
- Practitioners are free to repost Designs for Health Social Media posts on their personal social media platforms.
- Practitioners are free to use the Social Media Assets under Business Building Resources in the Education section of
Click here to view our Virtual Dispensary Guidelines.