How to Grow Your DFH Product Sales Through Social Media

Did you know you can link your Designs for Health Virtual Dispensary to your social channels and website? If you are a Designs for Health (DFH) practitioner, you now have a unique virtual dispensary link. Having your own personalized DFH virtual dispensary is a crucial tool to impact your business.
Your linkable, free dispensary will conveniently allow your patients to shop online, whether on a mobile device or desktop, for high-quality supplements, generating more revenue for your practice!
Anyone with your link can shop your dispensary — no scripting needed — and you will receive the sales credit.
We recommend you copy and paste your virtual dispensary URL address into your bio on your social channels to give your patients direct access to your dispensary. For those that prefer to link their website in the bio, there are solutions. DFH uses a free social media tool to create a personalized and customizable page that houses all the necessary links to share with your patients. Visit our page at to check it out.
To access your virtual dispensary URL, visit:, log in as a practitioner, go to My Account, and select Dispensary Dashboard.
Now, it’s time to copy your unique virtual dispensary link, share it with patients, and post it on your social channels and website today!